Hope everyone had a great September! You may have noticed, I took a whole month off from the blog to prepare for my wedding and have a nice honeymoon. Well, I’m all settled back at home, things are back to normal now and I’m ready to jump back into work in all my married bliss!
There are a few things that I’m really excited about. First, I’ll be sharing all the fun ways I was able to save money on my wedding, including wedding DIY and other money-saving tips. Second, it’s Fall! This is my favorite time of year – and it’s no coincidence that my wedding date was the first day of Fall. Halloween decorating is in full swing at our house and I’m eager to try out fun projects and spooky recipes to really get into the Halloween spirit! And finally, my store-bought laundry detergent is getting low, so I get to try out a homemade laundry detergent recipe I’ve been waiting for. I’ll also share some of my favorite homemade household cleaners. These are all safe for the environment, pets, and kids, and can save you money.
So, get ready – this is going to be a fun October!