This week especially, I am in complete awe of single mothers. I’m sure you ladies get this all the time. I’ve had just a small glimpse into single motherhood this week. I’m exhausted and it’s only been a few days! On Sunday, before the sun was up, Jacob was heading to the airport to fly out for some business meetings. Of course, he reluctantly left me with a sick toddler and a plumbing issue to deal with, in addition to my full-time job and a double-birthday party to plan. Both Grandmas are in town and eager to help out this week, but only Momma snuggles can soothe my little girl when she is not feeling well. So, armed with her favorite baby food pouches, coloring books and crayons, the PBS Kids app on our TV, and lots of slow-cooker meals, I dove in to this mess. There are crayons and scribbled-on paper on every counter top, tissues filling every waste basket, not to mention a hole in my laundry room ceiling just below my upstairs shower drain.
I don’t know how you brave women do it. I was already done after the first work day; I was nearly in tears by the second. But you do this every day. You do it out of necessity or by choice, because there is this little, lovely person depending on you. Although I have been left alone with Julia for days at a time on multiple occasions, this miraculously is the first time that she’s been sick during it. Having to deal with a stubborn home warranty company and three different contractors while putting in late nights to finish up work from my day job nearly put me over the edge. Hugs from my sweet girl and text messages throughout the day from my wonderful husband were the only things keeping me sane.
I cannot begin to understand the additional hardships that go along with single parenting. But today, mommas, I feel you! And every day I am thinking of you and praying all goes well in your home.
Obviously not a mom here, but I am a single dad. Jameson (8), Alivia (7), and I have been on our own a little over 5 years. In a word, it’s hard. It’s hard to balance work and home and school and sports/activities…and jeez, forget about a social life (I haven’t been on a date in two years). If I was going to offer any advice it would be to accept the fact that you cannot be everything to everyone all the time. Accept it, or you will drive yourself crazy trying. The kids will never be perfectly dressed, the house will never be perfectly clean, and your schedule will never be perfectly aligned. Check your pride at the door, accept help, and do the best you can. Don’t let the feelings of inadequacy creep in, you’re doing great, and your kids love you ❤
Jonathan, thank you for the great reminder and encouraging words! So true that we have to stop trying to do everything or it will drive us crazy. Sounds like you are doing a great job with your two little ones!