The week is quickly coming to an end and we still have three more to go in our challenge. Today was great–leftovers nearly all day! I LOVE leftovers. It means no cooking! I was asked today if being on the Paleo Diet gets expensive. While it does take a bit more to get started (swapping out condiments and spices), it really shouldn’t cost more than your normal grocery trips once you get the hang of things. Here are a few tips I can think of to help keep your costs down:
1. Meal Planning. This is a big one because when you go to the grocery store without a plan, you get a bunch of stuff you end up not even using or you have to make multiple trips and fall prey to spontaneous purchases. Meal planning also allows you to look through your pantry and freezer for things you already have before heading to the store. But be sure that if it’s not on the list, you don’t buy it!
2. Visit Your Farmer’s Market. There are usually some decent prices on grass-fed beef and free-range chicken at your local farmer’s market. Get to know the vendors and you might even get the best cuts set aside for you. And of course, the veggies are awesome here. You’ll find the best locally grown, in-season produce at the market. Wondering where your nearest farmer’s market is? Find out here.
3. Buy In Bulk. When you buy your meats, try to buy in bulk as much as possible and freeze it in smaller portions for easy access. This is where a vacuum sealer comes in handy. Visit the bulk or bin section of your natural and organic foods market for better prices on nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
4. Stick With In-Season Produce. Know which produce is in season throughout the year and plan your meals accordingly. Produce is usually marked down considerably when it’s in season. Grab the grocery ad insert in your newspaper or mailbox when it comes and take a look. Stores like Sprouts or Sunflower Market will have the best deals on produce on their front page.
5. Make Your Own Nut Flours. If you are planning to bake Paleo treats, buy your nuts in bulk and grind them to flour in a food processor or coffee grinder. This will save a good deal of money with packaged almond flour going for more than $10 a bag. If you want directions, check out this article.
So there ya’ go – you don’t have to break the bank to stick with your healthy diet!
Just joining and want to take a look back at my 4 Week Paleo Challenge? Look below for the links to all my Paleo posts:
Linking up with:
Thrifty Thursday
Financial Friday
Sweet Sharing Monday @ Say Not Sweet Anne
Hey! Just popped over from Thrifty Thursday. My husband is making us go Paleo so I'll be happy to follow this now. Thanks for the great info!
Thanks for stopping by! It's a little scary at first, but you'll notice a difference after a couple weeks. My fiance was super energized the other night after a long day of work and I know it was from all the healthy food he's been eating lately. Good luck!